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  • Writer's pictureSarah Notaro

Story Workshop

Over the course of the last two weeks we have began working on our story workshop. To develop our stories we started off our theme with Rocket Writes a Story by Tad Hills. The story goes through the process of how to write a story, what you might write a story about, and how a story can evolve. Our classroom conversations have been centered around, who are the characters in this story, where the story took place, what happened during the different parts of story, and what was the beginning, middle, and end?

The questions allowed the children to explore how they could develop their own story. We discussed as a class that a story could be made up, with fictional characters, or a story that happened in the past that they would like to share. As the conversation in our classroom continued, we read stories like The Three Little Pigs by David Wiesner amongst other stories that supported their development and understanding of their own stories. During our free play in the morning, each child had the opportunity to work on their own story with the assistance of a teacher. Each child was able to share with a teacher a story that is made up or a story that they just wanted to share in their story book. Once their story was fully developed, each child had the opportunity to practice their representation skills by illustrating their story from beginning to end. Aponi or I read their story back to each child once they finished so they were able to see the process of creating a story full circle.

In other news this last week we had the opportunity to celebrate Claire’s birthday. Claire turned 4 on May 20th. As a classroom community each child helped decorate Claire’s birthday candle and during story on Thursday May 18th we read Claire’s birthday story. Today we celebrated our 100 hours outside! Earlier in the week we discussed where we would celebrate our completion of 100 hours outside. As a class we came to a decision to celebrate our 100 hours outside by having a picnic and playtime in the tree house. For our special snack, we made a fruit salad together as a class and enjoyed our fruit salad outside for snack on the playground. Over the last two weeks we have been fortunate to have such nice weather, we have embraced the opportunity to be outside and have enjoyed playing with bubbles in the field! I am wishing you all a wonderful weekend! Please enjoy some of the moments we have captured throughout the course of the last two weeks!

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